Josep Vila from Mister Plat opens a shop with his popular meals


Picture of Como Pomona

Como Pomona

The chef Josep Vila of Mister Plat catering from Almatret, specialized in popular meals of major festivals and crowded meetings has opened a shop on the Rambla Dra. Castells (Lleida) this Friday, November 6th.

Josep Vila, chef of the popular snail tastings organized by the Fecoll, offers this product every day of the week with the recipe for ‘snails a la gormanda’. But this veteran crowd chef is also good when it comes to cooking other dishes such as paella or fish noodles, broad beans with black sausage, peas with ham, cracker soup, chunk casserole … Some specialties that we will find in their new store vacuum packed and refrigerated so we only have to heat them at home or at work.

In addition to the vacuum packed dishes, Vila also prepares dishes of the day such as snails, beef stew, loin with almond sauce, ‘piquillo’ peppers stuffed with cod, artichokes …”Some proposals that change depending on the day and seasonal produce, ”explains the chef.


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