Autumn of #CulturaSegura at Castell del Remei

Castell del Remei announces guided tours of the winery and the sanctuary, art exhibitions and the "4th Tast, Aplec literari" as the most outstanding activities for the autumn 2020 season at this historic winery in Penelles.


Picture of Redacció


Castell del Remei announces guided tours of the winery and the sanctuary, art exhibitions and the 4th Tasting, Literary gathering as the most outstanding activities for the autumn 2020 season in this historic winery of Penelles, La Noguera (Do Costers del Segre, subzone Urgell). The organization emphasizes that the entire program will be developed with safety measures for the prevention of covid-19. “Unfortunately, this year we will not be able to celebrate the Festa Major due to the pandemic, but book the second Sunday in October next year because we will have to have a big party!”, Explain the managers of the winery. October, Reception room of La casa dels vins WHICH TREE DID YOU FALL FROM? is a series of original illustrations of trees in Chinese ink by Mercedes de Dalmau, drawn in pen, which features an interactive game with the audience based on the Celtic horoscope.

October and November, Lucilla Atilia Exhibition Hall
Ensayo sobre el gesto is the title of the exhibition of Nacho Poli which brings together 32 works in which art becomes a kind of infinite game of expressions and interpretations. The artist establishes a dialogue between the material and the gesture, and in each piece, nuances, intensities, tones and luminosities are discovered that, in the final expression, spontaneously give rise to organic forms and imagined plots. The opening will take place on Sunday, October 18 at 12 noon.

December and January, Lucilla Atilia Exhibition Hall
 from Josep Maria Cazares is a journey through the artist’s 25-year pictorial career, from 1995 to the present. An essential sample to know the evolution as a painter of the versatile illustrator, who also explores design, illustration, posters and comics.

From December on, room reception of La casa dels vins
The project ELS ARTISTES VAN EN TRACTOR from the videoartist Sara Boldú Botam it is a tribute to the farmers and ranchers of our territory, of our landscapes. The earth from the air is a mosaic, and the farmer the artist.

Exhibition schedules

Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm and from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Sunday, October 18, 12.30 p.m. at the square Castle
4t TAST, Aplec literari al Castell del Remei
Reading of unpublished poems inspired by water in the Castell del Remei by their own authors and presentation of the book Tast 3, corresponding to the 2019 edition of the Literary Gathering in the Castell del Remei, dedicated to the trees of the Passeig de les senyoretes and others from the historic estate.


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