Gourmet wine guide 2021, the best wines in Spain


Picture of Redacció


Gourmets Wines 2021 (GVG) with the novelties and the new protagonists of the wine world

The 36th edition of the Gourmets Wines Guide 2021 includes, once again and true to its philosophy, a complete and essential sample of the Spanish wine scene. 4,212 wines reviewed, 2,400 qualified wines and 1,112 referenced wineries. All the necessary information that any wine lover should know.

White, rose, red, generous, sweet and sparkling, the quality increases year after year in a 2020 marked by a health crisis that has been evidenced in both consumption and the vineyard. Greater increase in online and bulk sales, lower consumption on the HORECA channel or the decline in the sale of high-value wine in favor of more affordable ones. Changes that have also experienced the wineries where the sale of each vintage has slowed down and therefore remained in the portfolio. This fact is reflected in the Gourmets Wine Guide with a history that indicates the edition in which it was tasted, the vintage presented and the score obtained.

The GVG goes through the Spanish wineries classificated by Denominations of Origin, with detailed information on their wines, which are ordered both from best to lowest according to the score obtained by the Guide’s Tast Committee. Format per professionals in action among those who are troben sommeliers, tasters, winemakers and journalists who have tasted blinds and qualify for any 3,740 vins. It is in the methodology of the blind tast system on es troba l’exclusivitat de la Guide Vins Gourmets. The Committee analyzes a total of 20 samples in each test, sense to connect the brand, so that the opinion followed the objective month at the time of performing the score.

All the bad weather conditions that have affected the vinya with the intense pluges that have spread the mildew (in different areas of the country), a fong that attacks the vinya, or against the extensive sequeres, enòlegs and cellars millers in the seu producte amb nous and exclusive vins, recovering indigenous or obliterated branches that endow the product with unique characteristics for a more demanding public every year. A team that optimizes the selection of the Committee to award “Els millors de la Guia”, vins that have obtained a qualification equal to or greater than 90/100 points and that become the Quadre d’Honor de la Guia, in 1,452 vins escollits. The mateix passes with the white and rosy vins, the presence of the Guide has increased by 60% and 52% respectively, the wine of the cellers to end with the hegemony of the blacks is reflected in this edition pel seu bon fer. The Guide is complete with the information about the 124 wine zones reserved, 204 specialized botigues in exclusive wine zones and 181 references to festivals related to the world of wine.

One of the novelties is the report on foreign wines that runs through the Nord d’Itàlia: Piemont i voltants, elaborat per l’expert en vi Heli Sant Miquel. In addition, the GVG compta with a classification of the greatest wines per scale of preus. He mentioned a part of the exclusive decomptes in wine tourism and special botigues specialties at Passaport Gourmets, including those wines of fins at € 15 that have obtained a minimum qualification of 92 out of 100 points. The opinion of the readers of the Guide is also present in the premises Guia Vins Gourmets that reconnect the quality of the wines and the contribution of people and institutions to the Spanish wine sector. Sense obliterate the prestigious premise of the ’99 League, some guardians granted to those wines that have recommended the highest score awarded by the Tast Committee, 99 out of 100.


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